Monday, March 23, 2015

Ab workouts

People who belong to IT mostly sit upon the chair towards their computer. They don't like to leave their seat until they compete their task. Most of the time people do not leave their seat around 5,6 hours. Other people who do clerical jobs, they also don't like to left their table. Meanwhile some of them hoping to get six pack abs. Its demands lot of commitment and work-out to get their desired shape.

Ab workouts

To get the goal of six pack abs we need to be more focused to do workout in different timings. For your comport look at the picture:-

If you do these six exercises on daily basis you will get the results within 30 days. You have to perform
 2 to 4 sets of all these abs workout to get six pack abs.

1. Bicycle Crunches
2. Second Plank
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Raised Knee Crunches
5. Russian Twists
6. Jack-knife sit ups

Try to avoid sugar made things, just do some walk or jogging or jumping to get warm-up. Eat green, healthy food, avoid fast-food. I'm am a sportsman by my-self that's why I am just writing the things which my coach told me since 2001. Hope you would enjoy these free advises to get your goal.

To watch fitness videos goto :-

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